Gaetana Brown is a member of the Boston- based band Little War Twins. She answered some questions for us about queerness, music and Boston: our favorite things.
Did you grow up in the Boston area? (if so where, if not, why come here?)
I grew up in a 3 by 3 mile town called Ayer in Massachusetts. I came to Boston to change my life and throw myself into my dream of becoming a musician.
Do you think there is a strong community of queer women here either performing or supporting a music scene?
Oh yeah! Amazing bands like Brief Awakening, Trauma Queens and solo performers like Danielle Lessard and Kristen Ford really helped me grow as an artist and come out. Also with radio shows like Three Strange Women on with Jackie Soriano, I feel that Boston has a supportive group of women who are out and about!
Are there any artists/performers who have been particularly influential to you?
I think my most influential artist this year was Tune-yards. She is a one woman powerhouse weaving innovation with no mercy. I am in love with her music and warrior spirit.
What has been your experience with the various in venues for music in Boston? Have you played many of them? What was the crowd like?
I feel like I have played at almost every club in this city and the crowd is forever changing. There are some shows where people stay for every set, some where people leave when their friends set is done, but it’s never quite the same. I see local musicians really supporting eachother in Boston, I find that truly inspirational.
Why did you get into playing/performing music? Is there anything specific you would like listeners to hear when they connect with your music?
When it comes to a listener connecting to my music, I hope they can find their own meaning. To me, art is a matter of perspective.
Now, meet Little War Twins:

According to their bio on the Little War Twins website:
We are strength. We are One. We are whole.
Together Little War Twins stands as a tribe, with each member threading together a tapestry of sounds that is as unique as the instrument they sheath.
- Gaetana Brown: The Voice of the Storm (voice, rhythm guitar)
- Patrick McConnell: The Bison-Headed-Warbird (drums)
- Mark Pare: The Magick-Eater (lead guitar)
The words: Shock, Honesty, Freedom, Anticipation and Tempestous Reflection have all been used to describe Little War Twins live performance. In the last year, the band has already seen 3 residencies in Boston and continues to tour regionally across the North East.
Little War Twins is currently played on WNPR 90.5, and has been featured live on CityWide Blackout, The Boston Local Music Show, and Three Strange Women, in addition to being featured on NECN News Television.
LWT is currently recording their debut album to be released in the Fall of 2012.
“We are rock and roll mystics and we are about to hit the road for six months. Right now we have an indiegogo campaign to raise money for our tour van, where we will eat, sleep and basically live. We are so grateful to go across the country spreading love and our message, our hope is that we can do it in a reasonably safe van!”